Newars itself not said, but in the past, the people of Kathmandu Valley i.e. Kantipur, Lalitpur & Bhaktapur, goes far distant for a long period for the business proposals, those people used to say Newars to the people living inside the Kathmandu Valley of their own community, in the opening days of living inside the Valley. Today, we now well known as newars either we aren't in valley or aren't in our tradinational occupations. But, of cource, the ranges of cultural values & traditional values always directs us to remains that we, who must fight for the land & struggle much for the mother tongue whatever the next, in the play part of the vast globalization.
One thing we should remain that almost all the civilization got their present values & attitude from the long sitting at the bank- side of the river e.g. bank of the Nile river etc. But we got our civilization not from the bank of the riverside but, of course, from the huge pond.
Great scenerio of the pond attracted the Lord Mahamanjushree. He, then though th
Mahamanjushree saw only the upper part i.e. above the neck including its two hands catching the two serpents whose heads were inside its mouth, seems it was chewing them. He then did several requests to forgive him for his blunder mistake but a blamed was punished through the sentiments of broken belife towards the Mahamanjushree.
Since then, on this memory Mahamanjushree made the Newars to make its sclupture above the main entrance door of the each temples. The sculpture is made on the TORAN so called in newar & the creature is well known as the CHEEPU. Today, we can see the art of Cheepu sculptured on the TOran in every temple on its main entrance door at above.
Newari" is vulgar term for the true name "Nepalbhasa" or "Nepalese"
- Dharmaditya Dharmacharya

The Newars speak Nepal Bhasha, a Himalayan language of Tibeto-Burman branch of the Sino-Tibetan group. It
has been incorrectly called by the 'Newari' by westerners & non-Newars ot Nepal. From the very beginning of history of Nepal it has been known as Nepal Bhasha. According to the research findings on this language it is proved that Nepal Bhasha shares the feature of Kirat and Tibetan dialectsof Northen Himalayas. The colloquial term used by the native speakers is Newaah Bhaaye. It consists of five major dialects and several sub-dialects spoken by Newars living throughout the country. Literature Extant
Historical evidence indicates that many Nepal Bhasa words are found in Lichhivi inscriptions. Hence it has been assumed that the writings on this language was resumed from the early Malla period (9th Century) and it was adopted as the public language of Nepal. In the manuscript of 'Nidan' (901 A.D.) the date has been written in Nepal Bhasa- (Kwoyeya pwalam mikhaya pwalam sambat nepalaya thuli) . The concluding line of 'Tathagat Guhyak' manuscript (1104 A.D.) shows Sidhayeka juro (here it ends). The Guthi documents (1114 A.D.) found in Rudravarna Mahavihar in Lalitpur, also indicates a long description written in Nepalbhasa Hence, from the very beginning of 12th century, Nepal Bhasa was used as independent language of expression. The stone inscriptions found in the courtyard of Vajrayogini Temple of Sankhu (dated 1173 A.D) and copper inscription found in Kasthamandap (dated 1374 A.D.) are the oldest monuments in Nepal Bhasa.
has been incorrectly called by the 'Newari' by westerners & non-Newars ot Nepal. From the very beginning of history of Nepal it has been known as Nepal Bhasha. According to the research findings on this language it is proved that Nepal Bhasha shares the feature of Kirat and Tibetan dialectsof Northen Himalayas. The colloquial term used by the native speakers is Newaah Bhaaye. It consists of five major dialects and several sub-dialects spoken by Newars living throughout the country. Literature Extant
Historical evidence indicates that many Nepal Bhasa words are found in Lichhivi inscriptions. Hence it has been assumed that the writings on this language was resumed from the early Malla period (9th Century) and it was adopted as the public language of Nepal. In the manuscript of 'Nidan' (901 A.D.) the date has been written in Nepal Bhasa- (Kwoyeya pwalam mikhaya pwalam sambat nepalaya thuli) . The concluding line of 'Tathagat Guhyak' manuscript (1104 A.D.) shows Sidhayeka juro (here it ends). The Guthi documents (1114 A.D.) found in Rudravarna Mahavihar in Lalitpur, also indicates a long description written in Nepalbhasa Hence, from the very beginning of 12th century, Nepal Bhasa was used as independent language of expression. The stone inscriptions found in the courtyard of Vajrayogini Temple of Sankhu (dated 1173 A.D) and copper inscription found in Kasthamandap (dated 1374 A.D.) are the oldest monuments in Nepal Bhasa.